Chair #
The Chair is responsible for planning and running the monthly MGB meetings as well as any other open meetings the Chair shall call. The Chair has the then power to convene a meeting of the Executive Board, which may be closed to members-at-large. The Chair shall be responsible for the integration of committees into MGB. In the event of a vacant seat on the Executive Board (excepting Chair or vice-chair), the Chair shall appoint a replacement to finish the term. The Chair is the only non-voting member of MGB, but shall cast the deciding vote in the event of a tie.
- Adriana Fernández Quero
Vice Chair #
The Vice-Chair is responsible for recording minutes during any open meeting of MGB. These minutes must be distributed to all graduate students within 48 hours. The Vice-Chair is also tasked with recording and sharing minutes from Executive Board meetings within the same time frame. In the event of the Chair’s temporary incapacity or illness, the Vice-Chair shall assume the Chair’s responsibilities and may appoint a temporary Vice-Chair if necessary. Additionally, the Vice-Chair of MGB presides over the Travel Funding Committee, which involves organizing committee meetings, posting funding announcements, and overseeing the committee’s general operations.
- Jacob van Grinsven
GAUSS Co-Chairs #
GAUSS (Graduate and Undergraduate Student Seminar) is a weekly lecture series by, for, and catering to the interests of mathematics graduate students and undergraduate mathematics majors. The chairs of the committee shall organize a schedule of weekly colloquia fitting these requirements. Choice of speakers and topics is at the discretion of the chairs, but should be informed by the desires of students. GAUSS talks shall be publicized via email to math faculty, graduate students, and undergraduates; the seminars shall also be listed in the department’s weekly schedule of talks.
- Eddie White
- Paria Karimi Kousalari
The GLC exists to facilitate communication between faculty and graduate students about the graduate program. The committee helps gather information from faculty and other graduate students about changes to the graduate program or other issues and communicates with the appropriate parties to address any concerns. The committee also helps disseminate information about the department to graduate students.
- Cole Hengel
- Joseph Small
- Garrett Mason
Graduate Liaison #
As chair of the GLC Committee, the General Liaison works to communicate between faculty and graduate students about the graduate program. Within the Mathematics department, the General Liaison acts as a liaison between MGB, faculty, administration, undergrads, post-docs, and other graduate students and chairs the GLC Committee. Outside of the Mathematics department, the General Liaison facilitates communication with campus organizations representing general graduate student interests or with the University administration, if necessary.
- Elise Askelsen
Heartland Liaison #
- Garrett Mason
International Liaison #
The International Student Liaison shall be responsible for representing the needs and concerns of international graduate students in UI Math. The Liaison will be familiar with visa procedures, English-proficiency testing, and other issues of specific concern to students of other nationalities. The Liaison shall be concerned with integrating international graduate students into the social and intellectual fabric of the department.
- José David Beltrán Lizarazo
Editors Sum-Times #
The Newsletter Committee puts together a monthly newsletter intended for the graduate students. The newsletter will inform students about current news and upcoming events while also providing general information about the graduate student experience. The chairs are responsible for coordinating the newsletter; they may delegate any amount of writing, photography, editing, layout, distribution, and any other tasks. The finished newsletter is distributed to graduate students, postdocs, and faculty; copies for undergraduates are made available in Muhly Lounge, and the file will be available on the department web page.
- Nandita Nair
- Evelyn Smith
Social Co-Chairs #
The Social Committee oversees the semi-annual department picnics, securing funding from the Department and promoting the events. Other social activities may be organized at the discretion of the (co)-chairs
- Matthew Barber
- Merrick Dodge
Travel Funding Committee #
- Garrett Mason
- Paria Karimi Kousalari
- Marc Moore
- Blake Mattson
Webmaster #
The Webmaster oversees MGB electronic communications, including but not limited to news and promotion of social events via the website, OrgSync, and social networks (e.g. Facebook).
- Joe Starr