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General Information

What is the Heartland Partnership?

The Heartland Partnership is a collection of schools in the Midwest that have come together in order to help each other. There are thirteen schools in the partnership including the University of Iowa. You may view a map of the schools, as well as a list of contacts here.

What are Heartland visits?

One way Heartland schools work together is to arrange Heartland visits. This usually consists of two University of Iowa graduate students, one speaker and one support, who travel to a Heartland school and give a math talk. The subject area and level of these talks vary, and can be negotiated. Such talks often serve as the school’s math club talk. After the talk is over, many schools like to hold a short Q&A about what life is like as a graduate student at the University of Iowa.

Visits are arranged by the Heartland Liaison, a new MGB officer position, under the supervision of Professor Vic Camilo. This officer is elected annually; the current information may always be found on the Officers page.

Who benefits from Heartland visits?

Heartland visits serve to better integrate faculty and graduate students here at Iowa with those at the Heartland Schools. Heartland students get a chance to learn about graduate school in mathematics and to form connections with current Mathematics graduate students, which we hope will excite them about math. Our graduate students also benefit from the practice of giving a talk and also forming connections with professors and students at the schools.

Further Details

To view a list of participating Heartland schools, please visit our Schools page.

To view a sampling of prior Heartland student visits, look over our Past Visits page.

If you would like to contact any school directly, visit our Contacts page. You may also contact the Heartland Liaison, who can arrange a visit for you, give you more information about the program, or answer any further questions.

Past Heartland Talks
Heartland Schools